All sponsor and site staff users can review and explore the study schedule, including all surveys, schedules, and notifications that are configured. You can also interact with the surveys as a user would.
Viewing the Study Schedule
Study schedules are organized by group.
Complete the following steps to view the study schedule:
- After the collection has been approved, view the study in eCOA Vault, and in Study Versions section, select Preview Schedule next to the study version you want to view. Alternatively, open the collection, select the All Actions menu (
) next to the Version number, and select Preview Study Schedule.
- If the study includes groups, select which groups you want to view, and select Continue. The Study Schedule opens. The study schedule displays different markers that represent whether a survey will be sent once, multiple times, or can be completed as needed. It is possible for one survey to be configured with all three schedule types.
- To see the details of when the surveys will be sent, select a marker.
- Select different groups from the lists or select a different location to view related events, surveys, or schedules.
Previewing Surveys and Related Notifications
Complete the following steps to preview a notification or survey:
- Select the cell that includes the survey you want to preview. The Details open.
- To view any notifications that are associated with the survey, select Show [#] Notifications. The notifications are displayed in the Detail panel. If no notifications are present for this survey, there will be no option to see the notifications.
- To view a survey, select Preview Survey. The survey opens in a new tab. You can interact with any part of the survey, including submission. After you submit the survey, you can see the results that the site user would see. No values entered in this preview will be saved.