
  • Ensure that you have a criteria check event created. See the Creating a New Event section on the Managing Events page for more information.
  • Ensure that all survey names, schedule names, event names, group type names, and group name fields are named correctly.
  • Ensure that the survey and schedule are already created.

Create Check Event

Complete the following steps to create a criteria check rule:

  1. In ePRO Studio, open the Rules tab.
  2. Select Create Rule.
  3. Select Criteria Check and select Select Template.
  4. Enter a name for the rule in the Name field. For example: Rule_1
  5. Enter a description of what the rule is for in the Description field. For example, Rule_1. The description helps other Studio users identify what the rule is when they see it in the Rules tab.

    Example: This rule enables sites to check the average value of select survey answers and see the submission datetime of the surveys associated with the answers.
  1. Select the name of the check event you want to use to trigger the check. For example, hads_check.
  2. Optionally, enter the preconditions using references or variables, and add the data you want to be evaluated as TRUE before the criteria check can be run. For example: (STAT1 = "COMPLIANT") && (STAT2 = "COMPLIANT"). See Creating a Reference and Creating a Variable on the Understanding Rules page for more information.
  1. If you want the system to display a message to users when the preconditions are not met, enter the message in the Missing Preconditions field. For example: This participant must submit at least two HADS survey responses.
  2. Add the Criteria Name, Display Label, and calculated Expression result for each criteria you want to be included in the criteria check, and save them. The label and results are shown to the site users after they run the Check Event. See the following Criteria Check examples:
    • Criteria Name: Criteria_1
      Display Label: The average answer for Question one across two instances was:
      Expression: Average(Value(ANS1INST1), Value(ANS1INST2))
    • Criteria Name: Criteria_2
      Display Label: The datetime for the submission of the most recent instance of the HADS was:
      Expression: $survey.hads.[*].[*].[-1].datetime
    • Criteria Name: Criteria_3
      Display Label: The datetime for the submission of the second most recent instance of the HADS was:
      Expression: $survey.hads.[*].[*].[-2].datetime
  1. Select Save.

Editing a Rule

You can edit a rule when the collection is in a Draft state.

Complete the following steps to edit a rule:

  1. Open the collection, select the Rules tab, and select the Edit Rule icon (Edit Rule icon) next to the rules you want to edit.
  2. Make any changes you want to see, and select Save. Your changes are saved.

Deleting a Rule

You can only delete rules that have not been included in an approved collection. Once a rule is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Complete the following steps to delete a rule:

  1. Open the collection, select the Rules tab, and select the Delete Rule icon (Delete icon) next to the rule you want to delete. A confirmation box opens.
  2. Select Delete. The rule is deleted.